If you have hard water in your local area, then it could be costing you hundreds of extra dollars per year in expensive cleaning products and scale caused by hard water deposit build-up in boilers and kettles. This not only adds to the cost of maintaining a household, but hard water does not lather at all well with soaps and shampoo, and also does not have a great taste...as you may already know!
Many people try to deal with the issue for years before they tackle the problem head on and do something about it. We all know how difficult hard water deposit removal can be, and just how much time it can take to get a kitchen and bathroom looking good again.
Some people try to boil their water before they drink it, or let it stand to settle out, or purchase expensive bottled water, or try to disguise the taste in some way...when all along they could have just installed - a DIY water filter for less than $80 - and solved all their problems in one! This also saves the environment as the plastic used to produce the bottled water is saved.
There are some cutting edge technologies that are pushing the boundaries of water filtration these days, and are purifying water to extremely high standards. To learn more about the new developments taking place in the industry, click on the link below:
Top Tips When Considering a DIY Water Filter:
The main benefit of a DIY water filter is the low cost compared to the filters that can be bought in stores. The trick is to find a good filter media (tip: granular carbon is an excellent filter media) as it's this that will filter and purify your water of many of the impurities and chemicals that are contained within it. Sand is also a great material for removing the unwanted toxins that can be present in a home water supply.
If you've been considering a water filter for a while and are unsure about the cost of installing one or just want more information about how they operate, then building one for yourself gives you a great insight into the precise way these devices actually work. When you then decide to purchase one over the counter in the future, I can guarantee you'll be well armed with the facts to pick the right one for yourself!

If you're looking to learn more about consider this easy, step-by-step guide for making you own home water filter and save up to $250 a month, then click on the link below for more information:
And of course, if you have any questions or queries about DIY water filters, please don't hesitate to email me at support@hardwaterstainstips.com. I'd be happy to hear from you.
Have any comments about this post, put them down below...I'd be happy to hear your thoughts.
thanks for the info patrick. we've been looking for a cheap water filter for a while and this may help us out! are they easy to install?
Hi Mike, thanks for your comment. They are very easy to build and install, don't worry if you've not done anything like this before. The detailed instructions provided will be more than you need. Good luck!
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