While the quality of water supplied to our homes today has improved dramatically over the last few decades, there are still big advantages to installing a water filter to our domestic supplies. They are able to remove most types of chemical or mineral in the water which may be potentially dangerous or harmful. In some cases they have been able to save the user money in medical bills. Drinking unfiltered water is mainly associated with certain diseases, but with the use of water filtration systems, people are assured of constant high quality water supply.
Heavy metalsIn order to remove the particles from the raw water to be treated, certain chemicals are added to the water. These include aluminium or iron compounds that help to clean up the water and remove suspended matter. While nearly all of this is removed from the process before leaving the treatment works there will always be a small amount remaining that reaches customers taps.
Zinc and LeadThese can sometimes be found in water supplies through contact with the pipes but they are certainly not wanted in drinking water. Older water pipes used to be made from galvanised zinc, which is iron coated with zinc. These pipes can break down over many years, releasing rust or zinc into the water supply. Water authorities may say that the levels are so low they are not a problem, and are only really a problem in soft water areas because they can dissolve into the water. However, a filtration system would effectively remove these chemicals and ensure the water is purified to a higher level and reduces these chemicals to acceptable amounts.
ChlorineChlorine is often added to the water to disinfect it and kill the bacteria and harmful organisms. It is very effective at this and has been used for decades to ensure that our water is fit for consumption. However, there is always a small amount of chlorine that remains and some people are especially sensitive to the taste of chlorine and can be easily detected when levels are too high.
TrihalomethanesWhen the chlorine is added to water and combines with natural organic matter it forms trihalomethanes (THM's). These have directly associated with cancers and certain allergies.
PeatWhen a water supply is taken from an upland source that contains peat it gives a orange/brown colour to the water. This is not a health issue in itself and not a hazard but does not make the water particularly appealing to drink!
Hard Water MineralsCalcium and magnesium present in water are the minerals responsible for the stubborn hard water stains and limescale build-up found on faucets, sinks, shower doors, glass. As anyone who has hard water in their area knows, these stains can be a pain to remove, however, these are also easily removed by water filters.
Other contaminantsIn some water sources, in particular river supplies, there can be organic solvents, pesticides and fertilizers from run-off from farmland. There have even been traces of hormones and the contraceptive pill present in some cases! These are often removed during the water treatment process but there are always residual amounts that can reach the customers taps causing potential health problems.
What Can You Do To Remove These Chemicals?One of the easiest ways to increase the quality of your water supply is to consider installing a water filter. These days they are simple to install, are relatively cheap and have been proven to eliminate harmful organisms that could cause health problems. A top tip before deciding on what water filtration system to purchase for your home is to have your water tested for impurities in order to determine which type of filtration system to purchase. This will give you a good idea of the type of water filter required to improve the quality of the supply.
Depending on the impurities contained in the water, consumers have the option of buying an in-line reverse-osmosis system or a carbon filter. Carbon based filters are mainly used to filter water that contains organic chemicals, chlorine, pesticides and trihalomethanes. Reverse-osmosis filters on the other hand are best to filter water that has organic compounds such as sodium, nitrates, ferrous iron, lead.
So if you want to be certain that your water supply is free from potential contaminants that could cause potential health problems to you or your family it can be a good idea to consider the benefits of a water filter. This not only ensures you have access to a constant supply of wholesome water to your home, but also gives you the piece of mind that your water has a consistently high quality.