Saturday, 7 February 2009

Revitalize Your Jewelry - Top Tips to Restore the Sparkle and Make Them Shine Like New in 2 Minutes

If you have ever found that the jewelry you own has become discoloured or dull over time, it may be due to the build up of minerals from your tap water that are the cause. These are the same ones that cause the ugly water stains and limescale build up on bath tubs and sinks around the home.

About 80% of the US has hard water, and as a result many people see their precious jewelry and gemstones dramatically lose their magnificent sparkle that they possessed when they first bought them. The reason for this is due to the build up of calcium and magnesium minerals in the water that they come into contact with, leading to a gradual fading over time and loss of sparkle.

There are some easy ways to ensure that these items stay in good condition. One way is to use ultra pure water that has very little mineral content, it is known as de-ionized or distilled water. This prevents the harmful minerals being transferred onto the items. Using a light mineral oil rub with a very soft cloth is a particularly good idea. Baking soda or a small amount of mild, natural soap has also been proven to work well when mixed with water. This technique also removes the body oils that accumulate over time and that cause a visible reduction in the shine.

Using these cleaning methods about once a month will ensure that your jewelry and gemstones remain in tip top condition. If you have a lot of items that come into contact with hard water, and do not want to clean them regularly, it may be a good idea to invest in a water softener. These devices do a great job at removing the harmful minerals which are often the main cause of sparkle reduction, whilst also help to prevent build up of these minerals around the home on fixtures and fittings.

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Water Filters - Discover the Revealing Reasons Why They Can Improve Your Water

Water filters a have come a long way in recent years and if you have an old device installed in your home already, then now could be the perfect time to consider upgrading to protect yourself and family.

A water filter can dramatically improve the taste of your water, reduce the formation of hard water stains as well as helping the performance of household appliances such as your dishwasher and washing machine. Certain water filters can also purify your water to remove potentially harmful bacteria or sediment that has built up in the network of pipes that distributes the water to your home.

Many people who have fitted a filter have noticed an improved taste in their water. This is because it removes the unwanted minerals such as calcium and magnesium (which also cause hard water stains), as well as others that impart a particular taste. It essentially provides a further, final treatment of the water before it comes out of the faucet and often provides people with the peace of mind that it as safe as it possibly can be.

As previously mentioned, it's the calcium and magnesium that cause the formation of limescale and hard water stains on fixtures and fittings around the home. The installation of a filter reduces the incidence of these stubborn stains forming on faucets, sinks, shower doors and glass. The cleaning time required to clean the home can be reduced. According to a study from The Ohio State University, the average person cleaning a home spends more than six hours a month cleaning tap water spots, streaks and scum alone.

As water containing dissolved calcium and magnesium minerals heats up, it causes scale to be deposited on elements and other surfaces of household appliances. This is why kettles develop a "fur" or scale on the surface of the heating elements and why the efficiency of boilers, dishwashers and washing machines is dramatically reduced over time.

It is also important to bear in mind that water treatment processes have improved over the last few decades and the water supplied is usually wholesome enough. However, there are several occasions when accidents have happened.

The addition of chlorine is typically the disinfection chemical of choice, and this eliminates nearly all harmful bacteria and viruses from the water. But as we all know, accidents can happen, and faults in the process can cause unchlorinated water to pass into the network of pipes that feed peoples homes. While the quality of water is probably still perfectly drinkable and is not a health hazard, there are many people who have decided to reduce the risk to themselves and family by installing a water filter.

Other advantages of water filters include the improved water for bathing. Washing hair in hard water is particularly susceptible to a build up of hard water minerals, and causes hair to feel dull, limp and lifeless. As soap does not form a good lather, skin can also feel dry and flaky due to the minerals not being washed off causing blocked pores and an unhealthy feeling.

To learn more about top quality water filters click here...

Sunday, 1 February 2009

Dishwasher Tips - Top Ideas to Prevent Hard Water Build-Up And Increase Efficiency

Hard water supplied to your home can have a serious effect on household appliances - especially dishwashers which can accumulate a hard water scum or limescale film on the elements. This can increase household bills dramatically, as well as effecting the life of the dishwasher itself.

Fortunately there are some techniques that have been proven to work which will save you time and money maintaining your dishwasher. If you follow these steps you'll be guaranteed the great performance from your dishwasher and reduced energy bills!

One easy way is to add a solution of white vinegar to a complete cycle periodically. This should keep your dishwasher fresh and ensure food soils are broken down and washed away during the washing cycle. Combined with the very hot water and the mechanical action of the dishwasher, white vinegar ensures a high standard of cleanliness than could be achieved by hand washing. As a result, harmful bacteria that might otherwise remain unseen on dishes are destroyed.

Other top dishwasher tips:
  • Use the 50°C to 55°C or lower temperature programs instead of high temperature programs when running your dishwasher. It could save you 84kWh in power and save you hundreds of dollars on electricity bills.
  • Load dishes according to the dishwasher manufacturers instructions to allow for proper water circulation.
  • Check and clean drains and filters regularly to ensure efficient operation.
  • Take a few minutes to check in the machine users guide for the most efficient program according to the size or type of load in your dishwasher.
By performing these regular tasks, you will ensure that your dishwasher remains free of hard water build-up that can cause serious problems with your appliance. It will reduce the need for hard water stain removal from your dishes and cutlery and save you time and a lot money in the long run.