Saturday 27 December 2008

Hard Water Stains - Electromagnetic Water Conditioners

Electromagnetic water conditioners are a relatively new invention. The idea is that by passing water through a magnetic field, the calcium and magnesium ion's are altered in such a way that they loose their ability to cause scale.

See below for two types of electronic and magnetic water conditioners that help to reduce scale formation in pipes which may help to save hundreds of dollars on heating bills as elements in boilers and kettles do not "fur-up". Efficiency is also improved in washing machines and dishwashers as scale cannot form inside causing loss of heating control.

These devices have a number of benefits and many are used in industry; although the water is not technically soft, it has the useful properties of soft water, that is, it may reduce limescale in your pipes and may increase heating efficiency as well as lengthening the lifespan of any clothes washed in the conditioned water.

However, the jury is still out on whether these devices work effectively in a residential environment. The magnetic current that passes through the water does not technically remove the unwanted minerals but simply changes the chemical make-up of them. This is supposed to prevent the minerals from "sticking" to the sides of pipes and fixtures around the home - thus reducing hard water stains and scale formation. However, as they are still present in the water, they can still cause problems around the home. There was a period of time in the 60's and 70's where many of these anti scale devices were installed in industrial systems, however they are not used as frequently these days.

On positive aspect of the devices is that as calcium is an important dietary element, the conditioned water still retains its calcium content as it is not physically removed from the water.

Have you had any experience with these electronic descaling devices, and what did you think of them? Let me know your thoughts by leaving a comment or email me at

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