Tuesday 28 October 2008

7 Steps to Determine if You have Hard Water

There are some simple ways to establish if your water is hard or soft and whether your water has an overabundance of minerals.

Step #1: The Soap Test
If your water is hard, soap will tend not to lather up easily

Step #2: The Toothpaste Test
Toothpaste does not froth very well in hard water

Step # 3: Crusty White Sediments
You will notice white crusty sediments around fixtures and fittings, especially taps/faucets and showerheads

Step #4: Bathtub Ring
Hard water leaves a recurring ring around your bath tub which is difficult to remove

Step #5: Dish Test
Your dishes will have hard water spots on them

Step #6: Clothes Test
Your white clothes will look dingy and may have yellow stains

Step #7: Appliances
The other hidden effects of hard water are that it can cause serious wear and tear to water dependent appliances such as washing machines, dishwashers etc.

For a step-by-step guide on how to remove hard water stains and limescale and how to deal with the frustrating effects of hard water, go to our popular website right now at HardWaterStainsTips.com

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