Sunday 27 April 2008

Welcome to the Hard Water Stains Tips blog!

I would love to hear from anyone that has anything to contribute to our discussions.

Bye for now,


1 comment:

ksoosus said...

I live in a HARD WATER area and i was killing myself. Every month, like clockwork, I was on my knees cleaning and scrubbing Hard water stains. I hated it, so I started researching hard water and found out that the scaling and deposits was costing me a FORTUNE!!! My appliances were losing half of their life span due to corrosion and deposit. NOT only that. I found out that my water heater was scaling and my heating bill was 30% HIGHER than it should be. YES, SCALING ACTUALLY MAKES IT DIFFICULT FOR YOUR WATER HEATER TO WORK.... Well i was so pissed, I decided to by a water softener. Most W/S on the market are expensive and require monthly maintenance costs and filters and or SALT. This can cost up to $800 a month, and the salt is HORRIBLE for the environment... WTF??? Then i found a small company here in the U.S.A. that sells a new product that STOPS scale from forming and breaks up OLD ones, and it does all this for a ONE time cost. NO FILTERS< NO SALT. This means its environmentally SAFE. I emailed them and they were awesome!! Sent me info right away. try em out, at least for info.
or email